Marine Conservation Events

Upcoming Events

Beach Cleanup Day

Date: August 15, 2024
Location: Sandy Beach, Cityville
Details: Join us for a day of cleaning up our beautiful beach. Volunteers will help collect litter and debris to keep our coastline clean and safe for marine life.

Beach Cleanup Day

Marine Conservation Workshop

Date: September 10, 2024
Location: Marine Research Center, Oceanview
Details: This workshop will cover various aspects of marine conservation, including ecosystem management, pollution control, and marine species protection. Experts will provide valuable insights and practical tips.

Marine Conservation Workshop

Ocean Awareness Campaign

Date: October 5, 2024
Location: Downtown Park, Cityville
Details: Participate in our campaign to raise awareness about ocean conservation. There will be educational booths, interactive activities, and guest speakers to discuss the importance of protecting our oceans.

Ocean Awareness Campaign

Past Events Highlights

Coral Reef Restoration Initiative

Date: June 20, 2024
Location: Coral Bay, Seaside
Details: Volunteers participated in restoring damaged coral reefs. The event focused on replanting corals and removing invasive species to enhance reef health.

Coral Reef Restoration Initiative

Marine Life Educational Fair

Date: April 12, 2024
Location: City Hall Auditorium, Cityville
Details: An educational fair featuring presentations, interactive exhibits, and activities related to marine life and conservation efforts. This event aimed to educate the public and inspire action.

Marine Life Educational Fair